Mr. Luther Dofflemoyer was born at Martha Jefferson Hospital in Charlottesville, Virginia but has spent the entirety of his life in Orange. He grew up with his two older sister, Betty and Linda as well as his brother John. Luther attended Orange County schools and graduated from Orange County High School. As a young man Luther spent time enlisted in the United States Army Reserve.
Luther met his wife to be Sue in no extraordinary way, their paths just happened to keep crossing in town and eventually the two began dating though it took four or five times before the pair finally got it right and were married. Luther and Sue spent a wonderful 50 years and 9 months to the day together before her passing and he cherished every day he spent with her. Luther worked as a mail carrier for 35 ½ years and Sue was an Executive Secretary at State Farm for many years.
After the couple entered their retirement years they adopted two cats named Mick and Molly who they loved for nearly the next 18 years before having to put them down. He has been a life-long member of the Orange Baptist Church and collected electric trains in his spare time. The best thing Luther feels he’s done in his life was marrying his beloved wife, Sue.